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I often wonder what I could say in the span of a few words to convince you to visit us in person for the first time, or to visit us again. When I first came to St. Mark’s back in 2015, the church was an exciting, vibrant and busy church campus, but when the pandemic began a few years ago, we saw so much of that taken away. I am happy to say that the era of Zoom worship is behind us and now that we have re-opened our church doors for in person worship again, we have a renewed sense of purpose, mission and commitment to our community. The pandemic taught us much about what is important for a faith community. We understood that worshiping Christ together was central to our identity, but gathering together as the Body of Christ was challenging during the pandemic, and even after coming back in person, not everyone was able to physically come back. Recently, St. Mark’s has made major improvements to our worship experience, making it possible to stay connected in worship, whether in person, on line through our YouTube livestream, as well as making sermons available in print. The pandemic also taught us just how connected we are as a community, and how – when one part of the body experiences challenges, trials, or even trauma, this affects the rest of the body. St. Mark’s has taken the pledge to be a Matthew 25 congregation and to do our part by serving those around us who are underserved, under-resourced and struggling to get by. While St. Mark’s might no longer be the same church we were before the pandemic began, I think it’s safe to say that the world is also no longer the same as before. But with new challenges comes new opportunities to share the gospel and love of Christ in new and creative ways. I hope you’ll stop by one day and visit us at St. Marks, and meet the many wonderful saints who call it “home.” Pastor Billy Song |
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